What are the risks associated with Circumcision?
As with any surgical procedure there are some risks associated with male circumcision. While the benefits of circumcision may be wide-ranging and long-term, most problems which arise from this surgery generally occur soon after the procedure. Risks associated with male circumcision are very uncommon and include:
1. Bleeding – In about 1 in 100 circumcisions, there may be some bleeding that is usually stopped with pressure or less commonly with stitches.
2. Infection – There is a small possibility that there could be an infection requiring antibiotics therapy after the surgery (>1%). Serious infections are rare.
3. Concealed penis – when there is a good amount of fat around the penis (pubic fat), the penis may retract inward and increase the chances that the penis gets partially buried this fat requiring medical intervention (1/800).
4. Meatal stenosis – this is a narrowing of the urethra that may occur after the procedure requiring medical intervention (1/100).
5. Meatitis – inflammation of the opening of the urethra.
6. Hematoma – accumulation of blood under the skin.
7. Phimosis – this is a narrowing of the shaft skin opening over the head of the penis requiring medical intervention (1/500)
8. Trauma resulting in damage to the head of the penis (very rare)
9. Suboptimal cosmetic result – i.e. general dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penile wound (1/500)
When male circumcision is performed by well-trained and qualified medical professional, these complications are minor and rare, occurring in 1 of every 250 to 500 cases.